Thai Baht exchange rate, which is the best?
Not everyone spends money the same way. But it’s always good to know how to keep your finance manageable especially when you travel to Thailand and explore the country. But you are looking for the best rate and conversion, it’s…

Thailand’s Tourist Sim Cards, Which One is the Best?
The Internet is your lifeline when it comes to traveling. A known life saver on the difficult situation while you are on the road. A place to sleep, good food around the corner and transportation can be easily found and…

Trouble in Transit Thailand: Eco-Friendly Fallout
The rain comes unannounced to Bangkok. Grey skies form in minutes if you see them form at all and what the skies let loose is torrential. It’s easy to get complacent during the cool dry season, no rain at all…

High End Transit in Thailand
I was recently told about a special line of tourist trains that run to from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Kanchanaburi, and a few other popular tourist destinations. I was told that the food service on this train was…

Traffic and Torrent – Hire a Driver in Bangkok
There are a lot of different ways to get around Bangkok; one of the interesting things about the city really, all the different sorts of public and private conveyance. There are speed boats through canals, taxis, motor bikes, tuk-tuks, minivans,…

Travelling Safe in Thailand: Scams and Strangers
Holidays, or any day really, in any country can get terribly out of hand and even ugly real fast if you aren’t paying attention or don’t know what to be watching for. Thailand, while in my honest opinion one of…

Tales of Tragedy – Brokedown Bus
After a hurried trip to Laos that had me on the road for 3 days with precious little time to stretch out and recharge I returned home around midnight to find that I had to make a trip to a…

Bangkok Tourism and Must Know Thai Etiquette
Bangkok tourism is thriving because of the Thailand’s authentic culture alongside the metropolitan façade. It has a collection of Thai temples, palaces, night life and shopping destinations! People from all over the world can’t help it but be attracted to…